Sat 07/08/2017

HKT48 'Bagutte Iijan' Nationwide handshake event

Attending: HKT48
Location: Marine Messe Fukuoka

HKT48 '' Handshake event CD sale 7th session

Attending: HKT48

SKE48 'Igai ni Mango' Mini-handshake event

Attending: SKE48
Location: イオンモール木曽川

NGT48 'Seishun Tokei' Nationwide handshake event

Attending: NGT48
Location: Makuhari Messe

00:00 Idol Yokocho Summer Festival!! 2017

Attending: PASSPO☆, SUPER☆GiRLS, predia, Up Up Girls (kari), Cheeky Parade, Babyraids JAPAN, lyrical school, BiS, GEM, Tsuribitto, palet, Party Rockets GT, Idolrenaissance, Ange☆Reve, Ayumikurikamaki, Magical Punchline, Luce Twinkle Wink☆, drop, Petit PASSPO☆, calllme, Osaka☆Shunkashuto, AKISHIBU project, MAPLEZ, Musubizm, Chubbiness
Location: Yokohama Akarenga Park

11:30 'Team 8' Performance

Attending: AKB48
Location: AKB48 Theater

15:00 Utada Hatsuka Birthdate performance

Attending: AKB48
Location: AKB48 Theater

18:30 'Team 8' Performance

Attending: AKB48
Location: AKB48 Theater

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