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AKB48 - Chance no Junban - 19th single 18th < > 20th

Viewcount: 14,258,637
Original title:チャンスの順番
Type:Music: 19th single
Release date:December 8th 2010
Related groups:AKB48

Weekly sales:685,098
02/28/2011 40. 2,071
02/21/2011 48. 2,013
02/14/2011 31. 2,510
02/07/2011 31. 3,741
01/31/2011 18. 4,569
01/24/2011 8. 6,544
01/17/2011 3. 10,684
01/10/2011 2. 10,189
01/03/2011 3. 15,775
12/27/2010 3. 30,233
12/20/2010 1. 596,769


Chance no Junban (SINGLE+DVD/ Type-A)
Chance no Junban (SINGLE+DVD/ Type-A)
Catalog: KIZM-69
CD1.Chance no junban
You can buy
this item at
Chance no Junban (SINGLE+DVD/ Type-B)
Chance no Junban (SINGLE+DVD/ Type-B)
Catalog: KIZM-73
You can buy
this item at
Chance no Junban (SINGLE+DVD/ Type-K)
Chance no Junban (SINGLE+DVD/ Type-K)
Catalog: KIZM-71
You can buy
this item at

Japanese version of this page

J-Enta: Japan Entertainment since 2010
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